Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Trusted Soldier

Ever heard the story of The Trusted Soldier?
The Commander-in-Chief once sent a Trusted Soldier to an outpost to enlist and train recruits. There was no question about The Trusted Soldier's loyalty or competence. He was personally chosen for the job. Everyone knew he would do it "by the book" and teach trainees to do the same.
The Trusted Soldier served for decades with diligence and excellence. His loyalty and perseverance were exemplary. Even though he stopped contacting HQ for new orders.
No one knew how long it had been since The Trusted Soldier sought new orders. HQ knew The Trusted Soldier wasn't AWOL. They knew he was following the book, as best he knew how. HQ stopped trying to reach him. They knew The Trusted Soldier would contact HQ, at some point.
The Trusted Soldier was a man under authority, not a renegade. The superiors of The Trusted Soldier knew that he would eventually wait for new orders -- no matter how long it took -- before beginning or ending any campaigns. They knew he would obey those orders without question.
HQ knew The Trusted Soldier would be more victorious than ever, as soon as he submitted to the Commander-in-Chief and listened for His voice ... His direction ... His orders for the day.
The Trusted Soldier had dedicated his life to serve without reservation, by the book. He merely needed better communication with the Commander-in-Chief, the author of The Book.
[The Beginning]

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